
Sunday, May 16, 2010

My husband.

On May 17, 2008- I married my best friend and love of my life. I can't believe that tomorrow will mark two years since we said "I do". I made a list of reasons why I love Dan last year for our anniversary, so I'll spare you most of the mushy stuff this year. Dan continually teaches me about the love of Jesus because He loves me like Christ loves His Church. Dan continually reminds me of how blessed we are and challenges me daily to be a better Christ-follower. He is such a hard worker and I love the way he provides for our family and takes care of me. I love Dan more today than I could have ever imagined and I've learned what true unconditional love is. I am so so blessed to have Dan as my husband. I am so honored that God chose me to be his wife.

Being married to Dan is such a privilege and honor. Every day I think of how extremely blessed I am to be married to such a godly man who loves me more than he loves himself. Even though the past two years have been SO wonderful and such a blessing- I know that with God's grace and His direction, the best is yet to come...

I love and respect you, Daniel, with my whole heart.

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