
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

I realize...

I realize that I am getting worse and worse at keeping up with my blog. It's been nearly a month since my last post. A lot has happened since the beginning of March.

The Highlights:
1. I am so proud of Dan. He is loving his job here in Charlotte and working very hard. The course is preparing for the PGA tournament that will be there in a few weeks. I'm so thankful for a man who works hard to provide for us.

2. I am now 23 years old. Somehow it doesn't feel that much different that 22. Dan and I had the day off together. Dan had a day full of surprises for me. Breakfast in bed (stuffed french toast with strawberries and chocolate... so yummy!), took the light rail uptown for lunch at Mertz (a delicious soul food place- definitely a must if you're ever in town), and a massage. My husband gave me the perfect birthday.

3. I have applied to graduate school- still waiting on a reply and praying diligently for direction and guidance on what I should do.

4. We had the most amazing Easter of our whole lives this Sunday. Elevation Church rented the Time Warner Cable Arena on Sunday for our Easter Service! AND- they also had more people there than Bobcats games, Mylie Cyrus, and other big shows. Jesus was honored and people got saved! 700+ people came to know the Lord here on Easter! That's what following Jesus is ALL about- sharing His name! I'm sure the angels were having a huge party in heaven for the new additions to the kingdom.

Jesus is Alive- so we should definitely be ALIVE at church. So honored to be a part of this church.

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