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Was it by chance that the earthquake happened in a country where voodoo and other pagan practices are so rampant? That, I can't answer. I can't even begin to try to figure out what God is doing in the country of Haiti. I know that evil practices, lifestyles, and habits are just as rampant in America. All of which disgust God just as much as the evil practices in Haiti. So why Haiti? I don't know and don't think I ever will. I know that God uses all things to work good for those who love him though (Romans 8:28). Even though I don't know why God made this or allowed this catastrophe to happen, I believe that He will use it for His Glory. People will come to know the Lord and lives will be changed because of Christians who are sacrificially giving their time or money to go or make going possible for others to help the Haitians in this desperate time in their lives. God works in mysterious ways sometimes, but I believe, no matter what His motives, that Christians have an extremely big opportunity to make a huge impact for God's Kingdom in Haiti.
If you can't go, give! Find a Christian organization with people on the ground in Haiti to donate to. If you don't know of one or are afraid to get scammed, go to Samaritan's Purse. Operated by the son of Rev. Billy Graham, Franklin, Samaritan's Purse is trustworthy and guaranteed to bring relief and the Gospel to the people they help.
And last, Pray for the Salvation of the Haitians. I've been burdened by this the past few days because when I first heard about the earthquake, I immediately thought that God was judging the country for their evil practices. Then, I was hit with conviction, immediately. How am I so much better than them? How is my sin different from theirs? Why do I think my sin looked differently at by God? I can't possibly understand the ways of my Father, but I can give to an organization that will help them physically, emotionally, and most importantly spiritually, and I can pray that God will get ALL the Glory through people receiving Salvation because of the earthquake.
Don't try to analyze God's purpose for the earthquake. It's a waste of time because we will never truly know, we can only guess. Do something time-worthy. Pray and Give.
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