
Wednesday, December 22, 2010

My to-do list

I am now on my Christmas break! And I couldn't be more excited about it. This semester has been one of my hardest... and next semester will be even harder. I'll be gearing up for end of year testing with my students and taking 2 grad classes. A lot of people seem to think that teachers have easy jobs, but I can say that it is the most exhausting thing that I have ever done. So, this break is very important for me. I've got a lot of resting to do and mental preparation for the coming months.

One of my biggest issues is that I never seem to have time for small things that I want to do while I'm working so hard. I get to the weekends, and I'm usually so exhausted that I just want to sit around and relax. So, to be sure that I don't waist my entire break- I have made a list of things that I want to accomplish over the next 11 days.

1. Cook and Host Christmas dinner with my family! I am very excited about this! I love cooking and having family around. My dad and sister still have not seen our home either. We'll have 10 people over this Friday evening.
2. Finally get my address changed on my driver's license and my car registered in Union County. I've been putting this off for a long time.
3. Clean my car out... have it totally spotless.
4. Get lesson plans done for the week I return... I know, I shouldn't be stressing with school, but I'd love to get those done so I can have a low stress week back at school.
5. Deep clean our house.
6. Sew something. I love sewing... but with teaching and going to school, I haven't had the opportunity in months. I really want to make something, just not sure what yet.
7. Finish a scarf that I started a few months ago. I started knitted a purple scarf to match a jacket and just have not had the time. I really hope to finish before going back to school.
8. Study God's word everyday. This is something that I fail at often. Waking up at 5:00 am, working 10 hour days, and doing grad school work sometimes gets in the way. At the end of the day, usually I'm so exhausted that I don't spend the time and energy that I should studying the Bible.

I'll check back in before heading back to school and see how much I finished! I hope I can cross all of these things off.

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